The Gorrondatxe sea-cliff section, in Basque Country (Spain)
The Palladio bed, named after a famous Venetian artist, is a biocalcarenite-rudite bed within the Bartonian (post MECO) of the Alano Section (Veneto, Italy).
Yantaromyrmex geinitzi, a Lutetian ant entombed in amber (Poland)
Trenches dug in red, purple and orange horizons that cross the PETM in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming (Photo Allie Baczynski). A study published in GSA Bulletin (April 2016) suggest that soils might act as a carbon source and positive feedback on global warming, which has important implications for future climate change scenarios.
Barton Clay at Alum Bay (Isle of Wight, UK)
Tertiary of the Paris Basin, by Georges Cuvier and Alexandre Brongniart (France, 1811).
Macropneustes deshayesii Agassiz, in Agassiz & Desor, 1847; syntype, University of Lyon EM12143 (original of mould P90 in Agassiz & Desor’s catalogue). Lutetian, Eocene, Paris Basin, France. Apical view. (from the NHM Echinoid Directory)
Paleogene at Zumaia (Gipuzcoa, Spain – Photo Xann Armenndy)
Nummulite bank at Leghia (Romania)
Base of the Paleogene (Danian) at coastal cliff Stevns Klint (Denmark)
General view on the Grand carriére de Vigny (Val-d’Oise, France), Danian parastratotype.
The planktonic foraminifera Acarinina praetopilensis from the Eocene equatorial Pacific displaying the adherence of calcareous nannofossils with large muricae projecting through coccolith debris (photo by Adam David Woodhouse, University of Leeds, winner of the 2017 Micropalaeontology Image Competition)
Nummulites gizehensis from the Tremiti Islands (Italy)

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Monte Cagnero