The session “Interrogating the sedimentary record of hyperthermals” invites geoscientists to present and discuss their recent advances in hyperthermal research, and welcomes contributions, particularly if multi-disciplinary, using sedimentological, palaeontological, sediment geochemical or isotopic archives. Abstracts may be submitted for poster, oral or PICO presentations. We encourage early career researchers (ECR) to consider submitting an abstract. Financial support for ECR to attend EGU’s General Assembly is available.
This session is part of the SSP (Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Palaeontology) and CL (Climate: Past, Present, Future) divisions, and is convened by Alena Ebinghaus, David Kemp (both University of Aberdeen), and Richard Pancost (University of Bristol). The abstract submission deadline is 10 January 2018, 13.00 CET. For further information visit the EGU website, and see the abstract guidelines.

EGU 2018, Vienna 8-13 April 2018: Session SSP2.3./CL4.24 on the sedimentary record of hyperthrmals
EGU 2018, Vienna 8-13 April 2018: Session SSP2.3./CL4.24 on the sedimentary record of hyperthrmals

Ancient hyperthermal events had critical impacts on the Earth system, and the study of these events plays a crucial role in developing our understanding of Earth system behaviour in response to large-scale climate change. Recent research has shown in particular how hyperthermals significantly affect marine and terrestrial ecosystems, as well as sedimentation patterns in response to changes in weathering and the hydrological cycle. Using the rock record of these events to constrain patterns and magnitudes of climate change through analysis of sedimentological, paleontological and geochemical archives is a central challenge. We invite attendees to present and discuss their recent research on ancient hyperthermals.